Here is a terrible rendition of what our estate looks like in the snow. Was also testing out Paint tool SAI for the first time <3

Also got Sonic Colours a few weeks ago. I beat it in about a weekend, which is the fastest I've beaten a game in a long time ;_; Anyways, I loved it, it was so gorgeous and charming <3 I'm glad I started playing Sonic again when they finally started making decent 3D Sonic games...

Been listening to the Touhou 6 soundtrack a lot. Patchouli is my new favourite <3

HEY! I keep forgetting to tell you, but YCN has a brief from Sega to commemorate Sonic's 20th anniversary. Might be worth a go if you have time :)
ahhhh~ that's actually really interesting! thanks <3 i may give it a try :"D